Eating Ghosts (ADAM Music Project, featuring No More Kings)

A while ago, my friend Adam, asked Neil and me to be part of his new Pac-man inspired song, Eating Ghosts. Adam has a project called the A.D.A.M. Music Project where he collaborates with a bunch of really cool artists on songs inspired by video games. So when he asked Neil and me to be part of a Pac-man one, we were psyched!

But the really fun part is, immediately after release, the song got picked up on one of Spotify’s huge editorial playlists!

It’s not very often that I sing on songs that I didn’t write, but honestly, this feels like the kind of song NMK would’ve thought of anyway. When Adam pitched me the idea, I was like, “oh man, why didn’t I think of that?”

After we recorded the song, Adam wanted a fun lyric video to debut it with. So he asked me to come up with one. I tried to reference the game vibe as much as I could for the video. You can check it out here:

Adam asked me to sing on another song too. This time it’s about Yoshi! I’ll post about that one soon.