Not too long ago I made a Skillshare class on drawing silly little zombies. The class is pretty short, and pretty silly. But best of all, it's free!
Years ago, before I got signed to a record label and went on tour, I was teaching animation at a small tech college in L.A. It was super fun, and part of me misses that. So I think a big reason I wanted to make a Skillshare class was so I could quench that thirst again.
The trick was figuring out how to break down the process. How was I going to walk students through my oddball method for making tiny little undead hordes. I brainstormed a few possibilities and ultimately settled on what became the version of the class that's on Skillshare now.
In the class, you'll learn to make your very own hungry zombie horde.
I knew even as I was filming the zombie class, that I'd soon want to make more classes. Some more drawing ones of course, but even some music ones. I've developed some fun ways of coming up with song ideas over the years, and I think it would be fun to share some of those methods.
But for now, let's just draw some zombies!