Mushroom People

I don’t know what started my recent fascination with painting portraits of people with mushrooms growing out of their heads, but it’s a thing now. I’ve filled a few sketchbook pages with them, and I’ve even done a few acrylic paintings.

Since my recent addiction to using AI to inspire new art pieces, I’ve also started training AI models on this stuff, to see what new imagery it can come up with.

In addition to the weird stuff above, I used a few other AI tools to give me some variations on my images. The results were varied, and disturbing. I’m really falling in love with the process of sending my art through AI models. It really feels like collaborating with an alien version of myself.

The next step for me is to take my favorites from the AI output, and sketch my own versions. Then I can work those up into paintings and send them back through the AI to see what it does with those.

I’m also trying to make sure I keep this project separate from my Cabbagehead project. I want to make sure each one has its own feel.